Selected Papers of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era
Digital “Selected Papers”
Commencing with the 2020 Consortium, the board of directors has decided to partner with Age of Revolutions, an online scholarly journal, and George Mason University to publish the annual “Selected Papers” free of charge.
The peer-reviewed 2020 Selected Papers of the Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850 can be found here.
Print Editions
In 2001 all of the annual publications of the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe (1972-2000), with the exception of the 1989 Bicentennial of the French Revolution, will be available at a special sale price. The paperback volumes from 1972 through February 1989 are available at $25.00 a volume plus postage (20 volumes) and the hardback volumes from 1991 through 1997 plus Index-1972-1992 (nine volumes) are available for $35.00 plus postage.
($5.00 shipping and handling for every volume)
To order or obtain more information or submit an order, please contact:
Alexander Mikaberidze
Department of History
One University Place
Louisiana State University in Shreveport Shreveport, LA 71115
Email: Alexander.Mikaberidze@lsus.edu Telephone: (318) 797-5385
Fax: (318) 797-5122
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